(English text below)
¡Comenzamos fuerte la temporada! Por fin, un viejo deseo se convierte en realidad. La obra maestra de la banda AKATZ, su álbum RUDO BILBAO, ya está disponible en glorioso vinilo. Originalmente editado en CD en el año 2009, los 10 temas que componen este álbum presentan claramente a AKATZ en estado puro.
Expresando con humor pero sin rubor su “bilbainidad” y su buen gusto, los 10 temas que componen este álbum presentan claramente a AKATZ en estado puro. Toda la fuerza de su directo ha sido reproducida fielmente en los estudios “A-Lone Muzik Studio” y producida con la colaboración de Roberto Sánchez Los temas instrumentales son interpretados con pasión al más puro estilo “big band” jamaicana y, sin duda alguna, los textos de su cantante, compositor y frontman Unai Quecedo aka Bita en los temas “Rudo Bilbao”, “Luces”, “Na de na” y de su guitarrista Josu Santamaría en “Así eres tu” y “Predispuesto a ska” hacen que este disco suene especialmente urbano y nocturno. Paisajes de la noche en la ciudad, en los clubs, en las calles. Historias de amores imposibles, de borracheras o de encuentros nocturnos en el fondo del bar. Canciones que seguramente te harán revivir más de una experiencia propia en tu ciudad. Y sobre todo si eres de Bilbao, ya que este disco es Unamuno, La Esperanza, Bilbi, Casco Viejo y sin duda alguna La Gran Vía del Bilbao jamaicano, de un “Rudo Bilbao”.
LP ya a la venta en Brixton Denda
LP ya a la venta en Brixton Denda
The first hard ball of the new season! An old dream come true. The masterpiece of the band AKATZ, the album RUDO BILBAO, is now available in glorious vinyl. Originally released in 2009 in CD the 10 tracks of this great record show the sheerest essence of AKATZ.
There is a band in Bilbao that for over 15 years has assumed with pride and hard work one of the leading roles in the Basque Jamaican scene: AKATZ. Rejecting impersonations, AKATZ has been forged in a thousand battles, concerts and recordings creating its own individual musical personality. A planet packed of good vibes and music for the dance floor with plenty of satellites of black music rotating around it: ska, soul, rocksteady, jazz R&B, roots… But what AKATZ was missing in its career was “the definitive recording creation”. An album they could point at in the firmament and clearly identify as its own. What a famous 60’s band called a “Masterpiece”. And that piece is without a doubt RUDO BILBAO (Rude Bilbao).
This album exhibits AKATZ in its sheerest expression showing in 10 tracks their first-rate taste and at the same time stating with sense of humour but also with delight their “Pride of Bilbao”. All the intensity of their live sound has been faithfully captured at “A-Lone Muzik Studio” and produced with the collaboration of Roberto Sánchez. Instrumentation is done with passion á la Jamaican “big-band” and lyrics created by singer, composer and frontman “Unai Quecedo aka Bita” on tracks like “Rudo Bilbao”, “Luces” (Lights), “Na de na” (Nothing at all) and guitar player Josu Santamaría in “Así eres tu” (The way you are) and “Predispuesto a ska” (Tendency to ska) make the whole album sound distinctly urban. Scenery of the nightlife in town, of the clubs, of the streets. Stories of impossible love affairs, of too much drinking or of night encounters at the back of a bar. Songs that will surely recall your own experiences in your own town. Specially if you are from Bilbao since this disk shows Main Street of Jamaican Bilbao, of “Rudo Bilbao”.
LP available now at Brixton Denda online store